This seemingly useless piece of brass was given to me with a suggestion that I try to make something with it. There were about 20 just like it in the package. Probably a cut off or left over from a stamping process.
First up I annealed the metal to allow me to unfold it. The secret to the process is simple..heat the metal to a dull red or a little beyond..and then allow it to cool to black before plunging it into water.
. Once unfolded it looked like this. The tool I chose is a crosspein hammer the rounded wedge tip makes a stretching in the metal when striking the brass on an iron or steel surface.
The result is this and since I had many more I repeated the process 3 times. Two pieces were very similar and I saw a pair of could have been leaves, but I was thinking of I had a pair and riveted them together.
This is the result a somewhat birdlike form. Very organic to my eye. I had just made a Putti figure in ceramics and this led me to the next conclusion
This face was the right size and I love the dreamy expression. With a little careful grinding on the back of the ceramic piece and a generous glob of E-6000 the two become one.